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Automatisch generierte Beschreibung



Database Developer








I am called:

William Walter Damerell



+41 79 874 31 00







I am a retired Information Technology Applications Engineer with many years of experience in the database field. I have worked mainly in Banking and Insurance applying the IDMS and DB2 solutions to the business.  I offer my expertise in Microsoft Access in the development of business solutions that use databases.


What I offer

Business is analysed into entities and business rules, this is represented in the database as tables and functions. Translation to the tables and functions extends to defining forms (or screens) and reports. The database solution is therefore tailored to the business. The business reports are presented in a form specific to your information requirements. Housekeeping like copies of your data and afterhours jobs (report generation e.g.) are implemented and selected online.

Databases can be used for recording data. Recordings of data such as Collections, like Stamps, Art, Jewellery, Furniture etc. are represented, or the database can be used for housing (in a single unit) refinements of disparate business tabulations. Additional applications allow data maintenance, generation of documents and creating reports.  Data on reports can be sorted and filtered according to your needs.

I further offer remote support for Microsoft Access databases such as optimising the Microsoft Access application, refining data, defining tables with indexes, and defining forms for screens. Further: Setting up backup procedures, resolving problems with the software and solving online problems.



For Sale

I currently have two Microsoft Access Databases for sale:


A database to record the items in a model aircraft hobby Model Competition Screencollection. This database consists of events, Edit Model Picturesmodels, people, and weather. Each entity above has pictures and text with descriptions associated with it. (Click on the pic on the right to get a flyer) Maintenance consists of making a daily copy of the data, uploading pictures (From iCloud e.g.), matching pics to models, setting up parameters for capturing weather reports, setting file paths for pictures, etc.


A lesson planning system for a small school. To get a copy of the database for testing right click on the pic below on the right and select link save as. Then open the folder you saved the item to find the zip file. You will need Microsoft Access Runtime to run the database object. Just press the login button on the login screen to get started.



























Damerell WW - Datenbank Entwicklung, Mathematik Nachhilfe